Almost Garden Time

I am going to try a low tunnel this spring.  It has the potential to give me a 2 month head start in planting.  It is super easy and cheap so there wont be much time or money invested if its a complete failure.  We started seeds a couple weeks ago and they seem to have started nicely.


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Most of the Flock

Taking most of last year off did me some good.  I got rid of some of the crappier shelters I had and built the new coop.  Its working well even though I still need to do a little work to it.  I originally planned on keeping a few o the rabbits there but it’s just to crowded.  I’ve been putting them in bottomless cages which I like because it lets the rabbits have some fresh grass.

Currently I have a pair of ducks, 2 trios of OEGB, a trio of Barred Rocks, and some other random birds.  I think I may do a little more trading, buying, and selling of some of the birds but overall I am happy with what I’ve got.

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Rabbits Come and Go.

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I haven’t posted much but you should see more of me since we should have internet by the end of the week.  We have had several rabbits and go since I last posted about them.  These cute little buggers are the hardest to slaughter animal I’ve ever had.   I think Jackson and I have had maybe 6.  We cooked them several different ways and like them cooked whole in a crock pot.  I’ve kept the pelts so hopefully I can tan them this spring.  Some are really pretty.